Distinguished Scholar Award

Medical Sciences at USP, São Paulo

Application deadline

Setembro 16, 2024
How to apply?

Conducting innovative medical science research at USP’s prestigious medical school to advance healthcare practices and improve patient outcomes worldwide

Laboratory, Medical, Medicine, Mão, Research, Lab, Test

Conducting innovative medical science research at USP’s prestigious medical school to advance healthcare practices and improve patient outcomes worldwide. The Universidade de Sao Paulo Medical School (FMUSP) is looking for a scholar to interact with a multidisciplinary group of researchers in the area of Health Systems: Inclusion, Access, and Equity, aiming to develop an international research project and to promote the collaboration between U.S. and Brazilian research groups.  

The Universidade de São Paulo Medical School (FMUSP) holds an Academic Health Center, composed of the medical school and eight public hospitals, with over 200 independent research groups. This is the environment in which the scholar will be working and will be collaborating. Please note that Fulbright Scholars may not engage in activities that require direct patient or clinical contact. 

If you are a Brazilian scholar who would like to host a U.S. colleague in your institution, feel free to direct your questions to the Fulbright Commission.

Check out this video if you are a U.S. scholar and want to learn about award details and benefits.


Application deadline

Setembro 16, 2024

How to apply?

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Fulbright Staff

Como faço para me inscrever?

Application deadline

Setembro 16, 2024

Fechar Janela